Stressed Out? 7 Steps to Finding Peace in a Stressful World

Facing stress is a fact of life. How we manage our stress says a lot about our depth of faith and how much we rely on God each day. When we manage stress effectively, we can find peace in a stressful world.

           Here are seven steps to managing stress in a healthy manner:

1.     Live in God’s presence. We may know what scripture says about God’s promised presence, but do we live in continuous fellowship with God? Living in God’s presence means we go beyond basic awareness, have confidence in His care, interact with Him throughout the day while relying on His strength.

2.     Look up. Our natural tendency is to focus outwardly at circumstances causing our stress. Instead of seeking God’s solution, we obsess with our problem. We might look inwardly as we try to handle these matters ourselves. We focus on how this situation affects us and spend valuable emotional energy on attempting to fix this problem, which leads to more stress.

Instead, look to the One who always supplies our needs and has the answer to our predicament.

3.     Affirm God’s activity. When our world unravels, maybe we wonder if God checked out. What is God doing? He is working together all things for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28).

4.     Assess your stressors. List your top stressors and decide which ones you and God can do something about. Attack one stressor at a time. Don’t stress over what you cannot control.

In addition, make hard decisions that will lessen stress. Last August, Matt Luke was toiling as the Georgia Bulldog’s offensive line coach, getting ready for his second season at this powerhouse program. In February, Matt Luke resigned at 45-years-old. At the peak of his coaching career, one of the highest paid offensive line coaches in the country, Matt Luke walked away from the 24/7 grind.

Luke’s explanation? “I want to be a dad.” Luke’s sons are 15 and 10, and he wants to see their ballgames and enjoy this stage of life. What stressors can you eliminate from your life?

5.     Keep a “can do” perspective. Remember, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13). As optimistic outlook grounded in faith goes a long way.

6.     Remember God’s sovereignty. Nothing catches God by surprise, nor will our stressors ever overwhelm God. God sits on His throne and is totally in control. He is more qualified to be God than we are, so we must trust in Him completely.

7.     Receive God’s peace. Divine peace is more than a ceasing of conflict. This peace is promised in God’s Word and available to you right now. It is an overflow of a growing relationship of trust and full reliance on our unshakable God.  

David Chancey